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Women's fit 

Mens fit

T-Shirt Designs

These are my T-shirt designs that I have produced by placing a range of different designs onto a template of both male and female T-shirt fits.


With in these designs I have explored a range of different styles such as my logo placed as a large scale design in the middle of my template and I have produced some designs that includes my beer label designs such as my original design and my dirty soul design that includes a few quotes at the back such as 'Born in the north' and 'Heart of the north'.


With in my T-shirt designs I wanted to create some designs that are effective and stands out as that is what my brewery is all about and that is what I am aiming for my target audience so I created a design in the style of a Football shirt as Football is a great tradition to the north west and is a effective design. 


I am planning on displaying these T-shirt designs onto my web page to promote The Dirty North Craft Brewing co and a product for my target audience.

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